Friday, July 31, 2015


the rope swing

There's an annual missionary retreat in Kumbya. 
We've heard a lot about it, but this was our first year to go. 

We got to be with missionaries from, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania, 
as well as a mission team from Australia.

We were encouraged through relationships, collective worship and water play.

Wyatt and Sheldon Davenport

Lizzy (Michal's good friend), Presley, Michal and Wyatt headed out in the boat.

Afton (on the right) and his buddy Drew.

Go back to Kumbya? Yes, please.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mobile Community

One thing we did not anticipate in moving to Rwanda is how quickly we would develop new friendships and how many of those friends would leave us in our first year.

They say missionary years are like dog years...  In one year's time, it feels like seven have gone by. 
Or as another friend puts it, "the days go slow and the years go fast".

In our first year, we have said goodbye to dearly loved friends and family,
gotten reaquainted with old friends,
made new friends,
said goodbye to our recently re-aquainted old friends,
and said goodbye to new friends.

I guess the point is, this earth isn't our home.
Goodbye is just part of life, until that great day when
we meet Jesus face to face and the word "goodbye" is no longer needed.