Our first "Turkey Trot" in Kigali.
We walked down to Gaculiro Market for some last-minute items.
This was Keza's first time to go for a walk.
(She nearly flipped out when we tried to get her to step out of the gate, but it got better.)

On route to Thanksgiving festivities at the Amos's house,
with a few KICS teachers in tow.
Presley and Michal are sitting with Mimi, the Shelby's grandmother.
She's kind of everybody's mom or grand-mom here.
We had cranberry sauce and dressing,
but no turkey.
The pork, chicken, and beef were great, though.
We spent the day with old friends from college, missionaries we stayed with in Togo 14 years ago, and many new friends.
We ate, worshiped, chilled and
enjoyed an assortment of games.
"Pig Chase"
He's been "greased up" with hand soap,
he's got a red bow on his tail,
and he's ready to run.
Preparing the kidsand he's ready to run.
The chase is on.
Presley was a little overwhelmed by all the people today.
She didn't seem excited about anything...
until the pig chase began.
Send in the big kids!
And the bigger kids!
We have a winner.
"Feats of Strength"
How far can you throw a big stick??
Chad came close, but in the end, no McNatts won this competition.
"Crafts and Face Painting"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and some wild turkeys.
"Outside Fun"
"Inside Fun"
We sure missed family today,
but we had a wonderful time celebrating God's goodnessin the Land of a Thousand Hills.
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